Sunday, December 20, 2009

Last Chance for the Paleo Paper Challenge

Per the "rules" of the Paleo Paper Challenge, we've all got until January 1st to finish up! Then, it's accountability time. . .(cue ominous music)


  1. Let me get my abject capitulation in first. Although I've made a lot of progress on the Archbishop paper, there is no way I'm going to be ready to submit by the end of the year. I will dimnish, and go in to the West.

  2. Idem.
    My co-author and me won't meet before the middle of the next month: I have to examine the other slabs of the holotype specimen, before submitting the final paper. (The holotype is based on 4 slabs from the same individual, housed in two different museums).


  3. But Mike, you "made a lot of progress" which is the main thing. The PPC helped push it forwards (I hope) and thus this is a success. While I did get two papers submitted as a result of kicking on, the main one I wanted to try and do for the PPC, I err, haven't started yet. So, I too can only claim a partial success.

  4. argh. not gonna make it. It'll be in by the end of Jan for sure (its on its final pass thru co-authors), but certainly not by tomorrow. So, it still got done, however various other deadlines and holidays trumped it. :(

  5. same here: nothing worked out, espeically not well, and I got barely anything done. Most annoying is the fact that I could not even finish my almost-done sauropod rearing manuscript :(

  6. I'm about 1.5 for three: submitted the promised bird electromyography manuscript, made great progress on a second, little on the third, and submitted another due on a separate timeline. Even discussion with co-authors counts as progress, which as Dave says is the main benefit of the exercise. I'm often in the same situation as Heinrich. Finishing a manuscript is like approaching light speed: it seems to take increasing effort to make ever-smaller yet ostensibly crucial refinements.

  7. Not a paleontologist -- the desktop PC wouldn't start up to type the thing, instead beeped incessantly. Oracle-bones are not fossils? Wouldn't recognize an oracle-bead if it lay beneath a monument across the roadway?

  8. One of 3 is in press...

    Second in the hands of co-author..

    3rd being looked at by a friend while I get the figures in order.

    If the challenge were renewed for another 6 months (or say, perhaps getting a few papers out by SVP time) I think we'd show some real progress.

  9. Oooh... I'm so sorry, but I failed! But, on the other hand, it is not my fault (or so I want to believe): my master thesis was just the beginning of a complete re-description, and we need more time... :)

  10. I ended up in the partial camp, as well. The range manuscript will require some more time - some variables need addressing. However, I also got cracking on the final bits of my aquaflyer paper revision, which I managed to get submitted AND accepted by the New Year, so all around not too bad.
