Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The ODP in Nature

I finally managed to publish in Nature (along with Mike Taylor and Matt Wedel)! Ok, it's only a glorified letter to the editor. But we still won't complain. Our contribution [subscription required; I know, it's ironic] focuses on the issue of data sharing in paleontology. It's partly a plea for greater data availability, and partly an advertisement for the Open Dinosaur Project. For more details, see my post at the ODP project blog.

Farke, A. A., M. P. Taylor, and M. J. Wedel. 2009. Public databases offer one solution to mistrust and secrecy. Nature 461: 1053. [link; subscription required]


VictorStephens said...

I read your ODP project and how 'Nature' is doing some contribution to your works. What shocked me was the unavailability of data for research. Data should be shared, especially in this field where there is so much curiousity and excitement.
You should have a central database for such research data where excess should be readily available for interested parties.

Le Snips said...
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Tinkerschnitzel said...

Published is published, isn't it? lol

I came across your blog here through "Blogs of Note". Very cool to see someone else interested in the open access thing for the paleo sciences. I'm an aspiring paelontologist myself, we'll just see how long it takes for me to get there!

Cabbage soup recipe said...

ODP progjects are cool. I like your blog! Keep up the good work!

Michael said...

Very intriguing, I will remember this now that it has come to my attention.

Congratz on blog of note.

LumenArc said...

Yeah baby! Open access thing for the paleo sciences, keep it going!

Maz said...

I think these ODP prjects are really interesting.

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